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Turkish Air Operators Are Now Allowed To Conduct Commercial Transportation in Türkiye By Leasing Foreign-Registered Aircrafts

Turkish Air Operators Are Now Allowed To Conduct Commercial Transportation in Türkiye By Leasing Foreign-Registered Aircrafts

Turkish Air Operators Are Now Allowed To Conduct Commercial Transportation in Türkiye By Leasing Foreign-Registered Aircrafts

“Law No. 7491 on Amendment of Certain Laws and Decree Laws” (“Omnibus Law”) published in the Official Gazette dated 28 December 2023 and numbered 32413 introduced a significant amendment to Article 31 of the Turkish Civil Aviation Law No. 2920 (“Law”) regulating the right of cabotage. Prior to this amendment, Turkish air operators could carry passengers, mail and cargo for commercial purposes between two points within the borders of the Republic of Türkiye by only Turkish aircrafts pursuant to Article 31 of the Law.

For full copy of the alert, please click here.