- Tümünü Gör
- Altyapı Projeleri & Proje Finansmanı
- Birleşme & Devralmalar
- Banka & Finans
- Enerji & Doğal Kaynaklar
- Gayrimenkul Hukuku
- Rekabet Hukuku
- Uluslararası Ticaret ve Gümrük
- Kişisel Verilerin Korunması
- Genel Şirketler Hukuku
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Bültenimizin bu sayısında aşağıdaki makaleler yer almaktadır. Makalelerin sadece İngilizce olarak yazılmış olmaları sebebiyle orijinallikleri bozulmadan sunulmuştur:
- Winds of Change
- Group of Companies and Prohibition of Abuse of Dominance under the New Turkish Commercial Code
- Share Buybacks under the New Turkish Commercial Code
- Overview of the New Code: Spin-Off Transaction and Liability of the Parties in these Transactions
- Board of Directors? Liability in Crimes of Smuggling
- The Concept of Affected Markets: Misconceptions and Complications
- The New Code of Obligations: An Overview
- Suretyship under the New Turkish Code of Obligations: ?Just Sign Here!?
- United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)
- The New Method of Alternative Dispute Resolution: Are We Ready to Mediate?
- Turkish Railway Sector, Quiet but not Quiescent
- Recent Developments in the Turkish Renewable Energy Market
- Cross-Border Energy Trading Legislation further Liberalized
- A New Era in Radio and Television Broadcasting
- Cultural Asset or Natural Asset? This is the Question
- Financial Assistance becoming more Cumbersome under Turkish Law
- Cape Town Convention Finally Sees its Way to Turkey