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- Gayrimenkul Hukuku
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Bültenimizin bu sayısında aşağıdaki makaleler yer almaktadır. Makalelerin sadece İngilizce olarak yazılmış olmaları sebebiyle orijinallikleri bozulmadan sunulmuştur:
- Editor’s Introductory Note
- Special Editorial: State of Emergency Following the Failed Coup
- Brief Overview of the Omnibus Investment Act of 2016
- Takaful Alaturka: Participation Insurance Offers Innovative Islamic Finance Products
- The Contingent Share Capital Increase System: Protecting Investors Through The Use of Convertible Bonds and Similar Debt Instruments
- Regret Filing: How to Use Voluntary Disclosure of Unpaid Taxes to Avoid Penalties
- The Omnibus Investment Act Takes on the Bankruptcy Law
- ICSID Arbitration and Turkey: Encouraging and Protecting Cross-Border Investment
- Real Estate Investment Funds: Appealing New Investment Vehicles
- Turkey Charts a Course to Become a Regional Maritime Hub
- Recent Legistlative Developments in Industrial Waste Management
- Unmanned Air Vehicles Raise Privacy Concerns
- Recent Legistlation to Upgrade Turkey’s Production to Industry 4.0
- Crowdfunding: Turkey’s Next-gen Phenomenon
- Recent Developments in Turkish Data Protection Law
- Recent Changes to the Rights of Women to Keep their Surnames