Dispute Resolution

Our dispute resolution team handles every type of dispute from complex litigation to international and domestic arbitration, as well as white collar investigations, administrative disputes, and mediation.

Our team, led by a group of partners with decades of experience in every aspect of dispute resolution processes in every sector, is one of the largest dedicated dispute resolutions team in Turkey with experience not only in court proceedings but even throughout the enforcement and collection stages. Our decades of experience includes commercial disputes, high profile administrative lawsuits, and criminal proceedings.

Our dispute resolution practice is not limited to representation of clients locally. We assist our clients in connection with their disputes outside of Turkey, through coordination of and cooperation with local counsel in various jurisdictions. As such we built an extensive network of leading law firms around the world and developed the necessary skill set to co-represent clients with international law firms. Our arbitration team is proud to have acted as co-counsel to the claimant in an ICC arbitration yielding one of the highest compensation amounts in the history of commercial arbitration. Our team also has experience in international arbitration concerning major investments carried out under the public-private-partnership model.