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We are happy to be back with the latest edition of our newsletter. This issue presents eight new articles that touch upon some of the recent legal developments in both Turkey and abroad.
Our opening article, contributed by our arbitration team, offers a comprehensive comparative overview of the encouraging steps arbitral institutions are taking throughout the world in an effort to promote a greener arbitration practice. The steps also documented in “the Green Pledge” mainly focus on more efficient energy use and prioritizing electronic documentation.
This issue also includes two articles from our IP team who continuously introduces us to the contemporary legal discussions taking place in the IP world and their potential implications under Turkish law. One of these articles focuses on the copyright contract adjustment mechanism being discussed in EU countries to protect the financial benefits of original creators in the event of unforeseen revenue being generated through the emergence of new distribution platforms, such as the streaming platforms. 3-D trademark registration is yet another IP topic discussed in our latest issue.
While we are more than delighted to have moved to the beginning of the post-pandemic era, the implications of the unprecedented past two years continue to shape the legal world. Our employment team discusses the issue of “digital mobbing” in work environments, which has become more evident during the pandemic since many have been forced to work remotely. Another pandemic driven article concerns the lessons learned during the COVID-19 era in terms of Turkish advertisement legislation. The pandemic triggered a dramatic increase in interest for cleaning and hygiene products that has led to manufacturers taking some bold advertisement steps.
We are also happy to present an article penned by our competition expert, Neşe Nur Yazgan, who recently joined our team, where she discusses the practical and legal implications of the deletion of data during on-site competition law compliance inspections in light of the recent Turkish Competition Board and court decisions. The article mainly focuses on deleted WhatsApp correspondence of employees in the context of specific case studies.
These are just some of the articles delivered in our latest issue, and we hope you will enjoy this Newsletter as much as we enjoyed preparing and delivering it to you.
Finally, starting with this edition of our newsletter, we will begin naming the issue by year and issue number rather than our previous Season/Year format. With that said, we are pleased to present the 2022/44 version of the newsletter.
The content of our 2022/44 issue:
- Greener Arbitration, Greener World
- Benefits of Internal Company Regulations and Their Enforcement Under Turkish Law
- A Global Race to Get Trademarks Into 3D Shape
- Digital Mobbing: The Concept and Evaluation under Turkish Law
- A Brief Review of China’s New Data Protection Law: A Comparative Analysis
- The Deletion of Data in On-Site Inspections: Recent Decisions of the Turkish Competition Board and Administrative Courts on Prevention
- The Pandemic as a New Learning Era for Advertisement Law
- EU Adjustment Mechanism for Copyright Contracts in Turkey?