Energy & Natural Resources

Our energy & natural resources team has significant experience in mine financing, major cross-border oil and gas pipelines, and internationally funded generation facilities. Our team is also a pioneer in the renewable energy field.

We are proud to have been representing local and international clients in the energy industry since liberalisation of the sector in the early 1990’s. Our early involvement in the energy sector in Turkey allowed us to take an instrumental role in every milestone stage of the sector including the realization of multi-governmental projects and the transition to the licensing regime in the 21st Century.

We continue to advise our clients in all segments of the energy sector including traditional resources like oil and gas, mining, natural gas, coal, and nuclear, as well as renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, tidal, and geothermal, which can present novel and unique legal issues. We guide our clients from the license application and/or tendering stages of energy projects through the operational phase. Given the size of the investment required for energy projects, our financing expertise on both sides of the table also enables us to provide comprehensive service during the financing as well, which usually involves both commercial lenders, export agencies, and IFIs.